Thursday, June 7, 2012


This year I started picking up gardening as a hobby. It is amazing what you can learn from YouTube. I started off with seed packets, some dirt, water and some how 2 months later puff I have about 35 tomato plants, 3 containers of lettuce, eggplants, potatos (ok these actually weren't done right...I cut up some potatos that were spoling in my pantry and threw them in a bucket - but they are sprouting like crazy), and peppers. I have recently learned the art of plucking off the tomato plant suckers and staking the plants with pretty much anything I can find that is long and straight. The children and I are having a wonderful time looking over the plants and watching the little tomatos begin to grow. We have been harvesting our lettuce for quite awhile now and enjoyed some during dinner more than once. I have a goal that one day I can eat over 50% of my diet from my garden. Buying organic is pretty costly and with North Carolina weather I can walk out to my back yard and pick off a fresh veggie or fruit and 1/1000th of the cost.

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