Sunday, June 17, 2012

Inerrancy of the Bible

I recently received an advanced copy of Vern Poythress' latest book called 'Inerrancy and Worldview: Answering Modern Challenges to the Bible', by Crossway. I highly recommend this book to help Christians understand the current attacks the enemy (by way of worldviews) is using to under mind the bible and faith in Christ. Dr. Poythresss' in a very scholarly, but readable, way lays out answers to the major challenges we Christians face as we stand on the foundation that the bible is the only Word of God. The following challenges are labored: Science and Materialism, History, Language, Sociology and Anthropology, Psychology, Corrupt Spirituality, and others.  I especially benefited from the section towards the end of this book dealing with modernity's attempt to redefine Scripture and Christ. The author leaves a final thought which is hopefully will cause critics of the bible to consider, "The final issue for our aspiring intellectuals is still the issue of pride. Can you give up all the vaunted knowledge of our modern world and count it as nothing in order to find rest in god..." May these folks run to Christ for mercy and forgiveness through the blood of Christ. Amen.

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